Customer satisfaction survey results are in!

27th May 2021

We scored NPS (Net promoter score) 82 (Excellent)!
Company Director

We scored NPS (Net promoter score) 82 (Excellent)!

Whilst we keep in regular contact with customers to ensure standards are met (and exceeded when possible!), we formally survey customers every year to review our service, quality, and pricing performance.  It is genuinely important to us to deliver outstanding performance across key areas that are critical to our customers. We believe in developing customers and not a sale.

Within this survey, our responders answered the question; Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with our company?  All responded positively with over 83% giving the highest possible score! 

Our products were voted very high quality or high quality across all responders and that they met the customer's needs extremely well or very well. 

Last but not least, the words selected to describe our products comprised of; durable, good quality, compliant to specification, well packaged, and good value for money. 

If you have sheet metal requirements and value the above attributes, please get in touch.  Our sales team are experienced, helpful, and ready to roll.

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